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Writer's pictureEfemini

Business Post COVID-19

As the world grapples with COVID-19 and we all stay home to stay safe, a recurring thought on the minds of most people is ‘what will business be like after COVID-19 has completed its time and gone?

Certainly, normal won’t be normal anymore. Things have changed. The way we do business is not left out.

From remote work to social distancing to obsolete jobs/businesses to emerging business needs; there are many changes to understand and a process of adjustment to manoeuvre.

So how do we handle the change occasioned by COVID-19 particularly on business? And what do we need to do to prepare for the after-season?

All around the world, many theories are being posited as people try to make sense of the changes. Well, I see four major areas businesses need to prepare for:

· Devising new ways of effectively working remotely

· Devising new ways for service/product delivery

· Resource optimisation (staff, funds, assets) to cushion the loss in revenue due to extended lockdown

· Renegotiation of contracts to reflect new economic realities

As an employee on lockdown, we must find ingenious ways to offer value to our employer. How can we work effectively while working remotely? Do we need to sacrifice more time to get our jobs done? Perhaps spend more on data to run virtual meetings and submit reports? It is so important at this time to put in the necessary effort to keep the business running as much as we can. Remember, the business needs to keep generating revenue to maintain salaries.

As a business owner, the four points above should be top of our minds. We also need to consider the difficulties our customers or clients are currently facing. I know we have our own COVID-borne difficulties and issues to consider. But now more than ever, we must think beyond ourselves and consider how we can deliver value to our customers at this time.

In this light, I have spent the past week thinking about how to offer you value during this period. And I realised the best way to determine a suitable value offering is to ask you. So, what would benefit you?

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Leave a comment or a private message to let me know what would benefit you this period and I would try my best to provide.

Looking forward to reading from you.

Stay Positive. Stay Hopeful. Stay Safe. Success Always

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